The Crop
It Starts With the Soil. It Leads to Small, Independent Farmers
Building Materials, Textiles, Branded Consumables
A Choice
The Products
The Business

A Little Background on Hemp
Hemp has been used for centuries to create industrial products such as paper, rope and textiles. These days, hemp can also be used to create plastics, building materials, cosmetics and even diapers. Hemp requires very small amounts of water, soil amendments or pesticides to grow and has the ability to remediate (clean) the soil. In fact, rotating hemp in a field will naturally prepare to soil for other crops. We have the science to prove this. Industrial hemp is not the same as marijuana.
Our Hemp
Our hemp was cultivated to produce two main products, fiber for textiles and hurd for building materials. The plants are tall and skinny, growing to between 12 and 14 feet. At the top of the plant are the flowers, seeds and grains.

The Crop
Hemp requires very little water to grow. Many crops require 24 to 48 inches of irrigation water (2-4 acre feet) to grow properly. Our fiber hemp only requires 3 to 6 inches (1/4 to 1/2 of an acre foot) to grow.
Fun facts. Our fiber hemp does not require pre emergent. Little to no soil amendments. Very little water. No new or specialized equipment. A test grow was rotated with russet potatoes. With no soil amendments, the grade A russets increased 60%. It's also about the soil.
Organic is our goal. Historically, growing organic is resource intensive. All it takes now to start the process is rotate our fiber hemp. This naturally amends sterile soils biome and preps the soil for the following year.
Our ethos statement - Clean energy, driving clean manufacturing for a vertically integrated, organic hemp industry. Our business model eliminates the middle-man. This structure allows farmers to get paid more for growing our fiber hemp. It starts with the soil and leads to the farmers.

Roughly 100 lbs per acre.

Fire Resistant Homes
50 lb. bags or 1000 lb. super sacs
Standard grain drill sowing
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